Full tummy tuck (Full Abdominoplasty)

Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck surgery)

A protruding abdomen as a result of weak abdominal muscles, weigh gain, or pregnancy is a condition that causes distress to thousand of people.

This condition does not respond well to diet or exercise because the skin and underlying muscles have been stretched.

Nowadays, a remarkable procedure called abdominoplasty has been designed to flatten a protruding abdomen through the tightening of abdominal wall muscles and the removal of excess fatty tissue and skin.

Surgical technique of full abdominoplasty

The procedure is done under general anesthesia.

A linear transverse incision is made above the pubic area and then a circular incision is made to free the navel from surrounding tissue.

Tummy-tuck-surgical-technique-Dr.Chettawut-Thailand The abdominal skin is then separated from the abdominal wall all the way up to your ribs and lifted up

Lax abdominal muscles are tightened by pulling them close together and stitching them into their new position.

This provides a firmer abdominal wall and narrows the waistline. The abdominal skin flap is then stretched down and excess skin and fat is removed.

A new hole is cut for your navel, which is then stitched in place.

Finally, the incisions will be stitched. The special bandage and surgical garment will be applied to the area. Temporary surgical drains will be inserted to drain excess fluid from the surgical site.

Full abdominoplasty usually takes two to four hours, depending on the extent of work required.

Most stitches are self-dissolving, except those around the navel.

Recovery after tummy tuck

For the first few days, you're likely to feel some pain and discomfort which can be controlled by medication.

Usually the bandage and drain are removed postoperatively on the third or fourth day.

You will not be able to get up and out of bed until the pressure dressing and drains are removed.

First 3 days postoperative bed rest is very important for the wound's healing.

You are expected to wear the support garment and limit your activities at least 2 weeks after surgery to support the skin healing and prevent prolonged swelling.