Scheduling your surgery with Dr.Chettawut MD
Steps for Scheduling Your Surgery
STEP 1: E-mail Correspondence
E-mail correspondence is the best way to exchange all information and record any requests or inquiries. Detailed information will be provided based on your concerns in each surgical procedure.
Patients will be requested to fill out the “Health Information Form” to clarify their health condition(s). You must never conceal any underlying health condition(s) that might impact the surgical procedure(s) or cause post-operative complications. It is the patient’s responsibility to provide true and correct information in the “Health Information Form”.

If you would like to receive a professional evaluation and comment for your facial cosmetic or facial feminization surgery (FFS), Dr. Chettawut requires close-up face pictures (hair tied back, no make-up, and no eyeglasses) in 4 views (front, semi-45 degree, side, and base view). Please send your pictures in JPEG format with reasonable resolution (350-700 KB per file) attached via email to Dr. Chettawut.
For a professional evaluation and comment for breast or body contouring surgery, Dr. Chettawut requires breast or body pictures with symmetrical balance between the left and right side in 3 views (front, semi-45 degree, and side view). Send JPEG files with reasonable resolution (350-700 KB per file).
Example pictures in a variation of angle for FFS evaluation:
- Face – Front view
- Face – Semi 45-degree view
- Face – Side view
- Face – Base view
STEP 2: Booking the Surgery Date
Dr. Chettawut’s waiting list is long as he performs only one major operation case per day. He will be the only surgeon operating on you from start to end. When you are ready to book your surgery, inform your preferred month of surgery, and the surgery date will be selected by Dr. Chettawut. Once the surgery date is mutually agreed upon, a 20% deposit sent by international wire transfer will be required within 7 days.

STEP 3: Complete the Required Laboratory Tests

You are required to have the lab tests done 4-6 weeks before your surgery date. Our medical team does not accept old laboratory reports done beyond 6 weeks before surgery. Send the lab reports, x-ray images, and referral letter/medical clearance (if needed) to our office in JPEG or PDF format as soon as you have the reports. The medical team needs to review all required laboratory reports at least 3 weeks before your surgery date. Follow the timetable given to ensure the medical team is aware of your most recent health condition.
Lab tests for patients under 42 years old:
- CBC (red blood cell & white blood cell and platelet count)
- Anti HIV
- Cr (Creatinine)
- PT and PTT (both results required)
- FBS (fasting blood sugar)
- Digital chest X-ray image including report from radiologist
Lab tests for patients aged 42-60 years old:
- CBC (red blood cell & white blood cell and platelet count)
- Anti HIV
- Cr (Creatinine)
- PT and PTT (both results required)
- FBS (fasting blood sugar)
- Digital chest X-ray image including report from radiologist
- Electrocardiogram (EKG graph and interpretation)
Lab tests for patients over 60 years old:
- CBC (red blood cell & white blood cell and platelet count)
- Anti HIV
- Cr (Creatinine)
- PT and PTT (both results required)
- FBS (fasting blood sugar) and HbA1C
- Lipid profile
- Liver function test
- Digital chest X-ray image including report from radiologist
- Electrocardiogram (EKG graph and interpretation)
- Exercise stress test (EST) including interpretation from a cardiologist
- BUN and Cr indicate kidney function.
- PT and PTT are screening tests for bleeding tendency.
- Lipid profile test includes levels of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and calculated LDL cholesterol.
- Liver function test detects inflammation and damage to the liver, including enzymes like ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase, albumin, and bilirubin.
- EKG Graph means complete standard 12 lead EKG.
X-ray requirements for Facial Feminization Surgery:
For those scheduled for Forehead / Brow bone contouring, jaw contouring, or chin contouring surgery, skull x-ray series (front view (AP view) and side view (True lateral view)) need to be added to the normal lab requirements for your age. Ensure the top of the skull and lower border of the chin are included in the X-ray film.
Example X-rays:
- Chest X-ray (Front view)
- Skull X-ray (Front view)
- Skull X-ray (Side view)
STEP 4: Finalize Your Surgical Fee
The recommended method is the international wire transfer, which should be done not later than 4 weeks before traveling. This is the safest way to finalize your remaining fee and provides our office sufficient time to track your wire and confirm with our local bank receipt before you travel to Thailand.