SRS and FFS Testimonial by Ms. Esther from Netherland

It is almost one year ago, since I had my surgery, done by your skilful hands
You performed SRS and FFS done by you.
Ever since my life has changed, I am a very happy woman now and your wonderful skills have enabled me to live my life as I always wanted to.
I was exciting and felt like an amazing adventure.
We had never met before, but your reputation preceded you, a beacon of hope for a patient like me. Even before arriving in Bangkok, the seamless collaboration between you and my Dutch medical advisor brought immense comfort.
From the moment I touched down at Bangkok International Airport until my departure, you and your team made me feel incredibly secure and supported throughout the entire process. The surgeries themselves were flawlessly executed, and your care, both pre and post-operative, was heartwarming. Thank you for that.
My stay at the Dusit Princess Hotel was exceptional, mirrored by the daily visits from your staff. Their warmth, tenderness, and skill were consistently impressive. Please extend my heartfelt gratitude to them – they did a fantastic job. In a strange way, I even miss you all.
The entire trip was truly remarkable. Back in the Netherlands, my recovery progressed swimmingly, with no complications whatsoever. My Dutch doctor’s follow-up appointments confirmed this, concluding that I require no further aftercare.
Today, I stand as a healthy and fully functional woman. Socially, sexually, and spiritually, I am finally living the life I always dreamt of.
I can’t help but recall the emotional goodbye and hug we shared just before my departure for Europe. Dr. Chettawut, I virtually hug you once more and express my deepest gratitude for transforming my life and making me a truly happy woman. Your impact on me will forever be etched in my memory.
Thank you again, and with all my love,
The Netherlands
SRS testimonial by Ms. Amanda from South Africa
A year before going in for my operation I contacted Dr. Chettawut and built up a warm and friendly relationship, e-mailing Dr. Chettawut. When I arrived at his surgical center, I was welcomed warmly and felt immediately at peace, knowing that I was in the right hands.
His examination and talk were so professional that I knew my decision was the best I had ever made.

I remember the evening before my operation, I was so happy and calm and went to sleep very easily.
I have never felt so Much at Peace, as I do now.
The reason for this, is that I was psychologically so ready for my life transformation which I wanted so Much – My Mind, My Soul and my Body was ready.
On awakening, my first words I said was – “I am Free”
A few days after, Dr. Chettawut came to take the bandages off, examined me, and said, You are perfect.
This could not have happened on a more special day, as it was my Mother’s Birthday – I will never forget that; my eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sky, this was all I ever wanted and my dream come true.
Thank you so Much Dr. Chettawut and your Team, I have always said my place of Birth is in “Thailand”.
With confidence I went forward and I started my own business and have been now been happily.
Lots of Love
Amanda Lee from South Africa
SRS Testimonial by Ms. Susan from USA

I was 67 years old at the time of surgery. I am a retired electrical engineer. Healing has been rapid and uneventful.
I am monitored by both a urological surgeon and a Ob-Gyn.
Both MD’s are very complementary of Dr. Chets work. Both have cited no internal or external scar tissue and the exceptional appearance of the labia.
I am both sensate and orgasmic.
You need to remember that there are actually 3 surgeries involved in SRS:
(1) Orchiectomy, (2) Vaginoplasty and (3) Labiaplasty.
Almost any surgeon can do a good orchiectomy and a good vaginoplasty.
Where Dr. Chet excels is in the Labiaplasty where he is one of the best, if not the best.
I attended a transgender health conference held at and sponsored by my county hospital (Broward Health Medical Center) a little over a year ago.
One of the principal speakers complained at great length about the Thai surgeons (Dr. Chet) who refuse to share his superior Labiaplasty technique.
Most surgeons perform the SRS procedure in 2 parts (primary vaginoplasty and then inner labia construction as the second stage surgery later).
Dr. Chet performs the entire surgery in one procedure and clearly Dr. Chet’s Labiaplasty is superior in every way…appearance and sensation.
Due to excessive cost, most surgeries in the US & Canada are performed as outpatient procedures. This means you spend your recovery in a hotel.
In Thailand the entire procedure is performed as an in-patient. He is exceptionally ultra-conservative about every aspect.
From 4 months prior to my surgery he and my stateside urological surgeon exchanged communication, while Dr. Chet educated my urological surgeon about the procedure so that the local surgeon would be able to adequately care for me upon my return from Bangkok.
After the surgery you will stay at the Dusit Princess Srinakarin Hotel…in a suite at the reduced rate of approximately the equivalent of US$50/night…in a suite, no less, with an unbelievable daily brunch included.
Typically you will have the company of 3 other patients in nearby rooms and a daily meeting in the Dusit dining room every morning.
One of the OR RN’s (not a LPN) will visit and closely supervise you daily as needed.
Based on their daily exams you will be returned to the clinic for follow-up exams as needed.
SRS and FFS Testimonial by Ms. Caroline from USA
It is almost one year ago, since I had my surgery, done by your skilful hands.
My SRS and FFS was done by you.
Ever since my life has changed, I am a very happy woman now and your wonderful skills have enabled me to live my life as I always wanted to.

I was excited and felt like an amazing adventure. We had never met and all I had was your great reputation.
After my FFS, and SRS life has really opened up as I feel correct emotionally, I went to the hair dressers, showed them my results and they told me nonstop for an hour how beautiful I am.
I will have some professional photography done and continue to lose the excess weight.
I will send you some of those pictures to display them as part of your portfolio of work, these are natal females.
After having experience sexual intimacy with my new female ‘genitalia’ I can tell you that I am EXTREMELY ORGASMIC.
I have discovered my inner labia, all of the vaginal vestibule around the vulva and even inside on the upper inside of my vaginal wall is so sensitive.
I can orgasm with use of clitoral stimulation and also by only vaginal penetration or both together.
Being a woman is so special; you have made me feel so happy and real in my body.
Thanks to Dr. Chettawut, and his team
Female to Male Top Surgery Testimonial by Mr. Marcus from New Zealand

I would like to first of all say I am very pleased with my chest surgery results, as I said in your office. I wasn’t expecting such a great result, practically no scarring and skin healing back well and my result is far better than I had expected.
I have known two of my friends both Male to Female who went to Dr. Chettawut and his team for their SRS.
They spoke very highly not only of their own surgical outcome, but the way in which they were treated and the care they received while recovering.
I figured in my own mind that if this man and his team really aim to give their patients the best results possible, then it didn’t matter if I’d never met him in person or to question his abilities.
When it is clear even from the SRS results on the website that his skills are among the best (for a much more complicated procedure than my own) not just for Thailand, but the world, and I don’t think I am over-exaggerating.
Why else would people fly from all over the world and be so grateful for their whole time spent there?
I personally would like more Female to Male and Transmen to consider more options than some of the usual suspects in our circle of preferred surgeons, at least for chest surgery.
I myself wasn’t a small chest, average I would say. I received an operation I didn’t think I could have.
I thought that my only option would be bi-lateral incision.
When Dr. Chet told me he didn’t want to do that because he felt confident that he could perform a better surgery without scarring.
I was thrilled to know that I could at least have the chance to see how my own body would recover first without scars, and I’m glad because right now it is healing beautifully.
It looks much more ‘natural’ than if I’d gotten bi-lateral, the placement and proportions look right. I honestly couldn’t be happier with a result like this.
Not to mention the hotel Dusit Princess being a lovely environment to stay in, which when recovering it’s important to be comfortable.
Cosmetic SRS testimonial by Robyn from Australia
Dear Dr. Chettawut & Som
How are you all? I hope you are all happy and in good health. I have such wonderful memories of my time in Bangkok, and think often of my time there.
The Canberra Times recently asked to interview me about my experiences as a transgender woman. I made the front page of the Saturday edition!
Here is the link to the article, with a video. I hope you like it. VDO Interview – Click

I am really well and am delighted with the results of my surgery.
Please pass on my very best wishes to Dr Chettawut and his team, with a special hug for all your staff
I will keep in touch. Kind regards
SRS Video Testimonial by Ms. Isabel & Dolores from Brazil
Thank you Isabel and Dolores for your kind words. It was our pleasure to meet you.
Our patients’ satisfaction and happiness is what motivates us.
Thank you and we wish you the best
Dr. Chettawut
Breast Augmentation VDO Testimonial by Ms. Christina from USA
Thank you Christina for sharing your experience of breast augmentation surgery in Thailand.
It was our pleasure to provide you our surgical service.
Our patients’ satisfaction and happiness is our goals.
Take care and we wish you the best
Dr. Chettawut
Educational VDO – Interview and Follow up of sex reassignment surgery
Gender reassignment surgery VDO Testimonial by Ms. Lucia from Germany
Thank you Lucia for sharing your GRS experience here.
We all miss you and wish you the best.